M & HD Currie Champion Beef Rib
James Frame takes Saddle of Lamb Championship
Heavyweight Lamb title to R & M Struthers
Kepak McIntosh Donald Sponsor Event
With the support of Kepak-McIntosh Donald, the Royal Smithfield Club Beef Ribs & Saddle of Lamb competitions, held for the first time within LiveScot, the Scottish National Fatstock Club’s winter primestock event at Lanark on Saturday 24 November 2018, saw a strong entry of 12 ribs and 14 saddles forward.
L-R Alan McNaughton Kepak McIntosh Donald, Judge Neil Ewing, winner Matthew Currie, Smithfield President Neil Gourlay, Smithfield Secretary Richard Saunders
Taking home the Beef Rib championship and with it the Royal Smithfield Club Perpetual Trophy were Matthew & Heather Currie of Skewbridge, Mouswald, Dumfries with their purebred Aberdeen Angus entry, a heifer weighing in at 345.8kg deadweight and grading U4L. Judge Neil Ewing, a wholesaler butcher trading at J Finlay & Co, Wishaw described the winning entry as having “very good conformation, fat cover and eye muscle.” The Curries run a 40-cow pedigree herd of Aberdeen- Angus. Standing reserve was another Angus entry, this time in the shape of a 315kg crossbred grading R4L from B & L Grubb, Mount Pleasant, Ardallie. In third spot were John Spence & Sons, Roberthill, Lockerbie with Blue-cross heifer at 338.2kg U+3.
L-R Alan McNaughton Kepak McIntosh Donald, winner James Frame, judge Neil Ewing, RSC President Neil Gourlay
James Frame, Blairston Mains Farm, Riverside Lodge, Alloway, Ayr won the Saddle of Lamb competition together with the Royal Smithfield Club Perpetual Challenge Cup for his Beltex-sired lamb out of a Texel-cross ewe weighing 21.3kg deadweight. Commenting, the Judge said: “This is exactly what a butcher is looking for in terms of a good retail saddle with good conformation and eye muscle.” In second place was Robert Laird, Cambwell Farm, Biggar with third going to Andrew Dunlop, Corstane Farm, Broughton.
L-R Alan McNaughton Kepak McIntosh Donald, winners Robert & Ian Struthers either side of Judge Neil Ewing, Club Steward Hugh Black
In the heavy lamb class for carcases over 23kg, it was a one-two for R & M Struthers, Collielaw Farm, Carluke with two Texel-Beltex sired lambs with a liveweight of 45 & 44kg which killed out respectively at an excellent 25 and 24.6kgs. Third spot went to J & H Clark, North Garnour Farm, Lesmahagow.
R&M Struthers’ pre-competition heavyweight lamb carcases which killed out at over 55%
Judge Neil Ewing of J Finlay & Co with Royal Smithfield Club Steward Hugh Black of Hugh Black Butchers
The Club is grateful to Alan McNaughton, Site Director at Kepak-McIntosh Donald and to Club President Neil Gourlay for presenting the prizes. Thank you also to all the exhibitors for putting entries forward, to Margaret Gray and all the team at LiveScot, to Royal Smithfield Club Steward Hugh Black of Hugh Black & Sons Butchers and to Judge Neil Ewing for all their hard work in making the event such a success.
Hugh Black setting up the Smithfield display prior to the competition